10 junio 2024

Proforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo


Proforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo

Proforest Africa has secured $125, 000 to develop, communicate and support implementation of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) guidelines in the Republic of Congo (RoC) and Liberia. The one-year project funded by Global Commons Accountability Accelerator (GCAA) will promote Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPLCs) rights through a clear, legally mandated process for ensuring that development on their lands only goes ahead with their free, prior and informed consent.

FPIC is a process that ensures that Indigenous Peoples and local communities with customary land rights are informed and consulted about proposed development on their land for their full consent. FPIC is also extended to cover any other activities that might affect the culture and livelihoods of these communities.

The funding will be used to develop communication and capacity building materials for communities, including tailored-made abridged versions of FPIC guidelines to raise awareness among communities, as well as government, private sector and other relevant stakeholders.

The GCAA works with a broad set of stakeholders to encourage nature positive action and discourage harmful practices by building the value of nature and protection of local communities into corporate decision-making. The FPIC work is being supported as part of the Accountability Accelerator of the Global Commons Alliance, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.


In the Republic of Congo, Proforest will support a similar multi-stakeholder process to  develop FPIC guidelines and finalise them for dissemination in different communication formats. Stakeholder consultative meetings will be held to develop a Legal Instrument that will subsequently be submitted to the appropriate authorities.  

In both countries we will be working with the Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative platforms to disseminate the FPIC guidelines among government institutions, NGOs, community organisations and the private sector.

By supporting the development and dissemination of FPIC guidelines in the two countries, the project will enable a wider shift in the relationship between agri-commodity developers, other land-based investors and local communities, said James Parker, Principal Project Manager; Proforest Africa.

The Project will systematically provide a process that ensures that communities’ rights are not only respected but also addresses a major issue of land conflicts between land-based investor companies and IPLCs.