26 marzo 2014

Proforest and the EU REDD Facility publish briefing notes on FLEGT and REDD+


Proforest and the EU REDD Facility publish briefing notes on FLEGT and REDD+

The Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan is an initiative of the European Union to tackle illegal logging by agreeing bilateral trade agreements with timber producing countries that commit to implement systems that improve forest governance. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) is a UN supported mechanism that aims to mitigate climate change through enhanced forest management in tropical and subtropical countries.

Though there are clear differences between these two initiatives, there are also many areas of overlap. The series of briefing notes that was published last week by the EU REDD Facility aims to show how these two initiatives can be linked to provide mutual benefits.

The first two briefing notes provide up-to-date information on FLEGT and REDD+. The third briefing note identifies six key areas where these two initiatives can support each other, provides examples of opportunities for collaboration and challenges, and recommends practical approaches for policymakers and practitioners that can help maximise synergies. These three briefing notes are updated version of a series of briefings from 2011.

The fourth briefing note describes approaches to engaging effectively with the private sector on REDD+. This new briefing note builds on lessons learned from working with the private sector on FLEGT and provides examples of successful private sector engagement.

The briefing notes were developed by Proforest, with input from the European Forest Institute and officials of the European Union. They form part of our ongoing work, amongst others through our support to the EU FLEGT-REDD+ working group, to promote synergies between these two initiatives.
