27 enero 2020
Second newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Ghana national platform

As part of the communications focus for 2020, national platforms from each APOI country have been working on how to highlight their work to a wider audience. The Ghana national platform has just released their second newsletter (first one 2019) to show how the platform members work to contribute to their aim of promoting sustainable oil palm development in Ghana.
It includes a focus on the 2018 Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis done by the platform which has fed into work done by platform member COLANDEF to create a Handbook for Documenting Customary Land Rights in Ghana. Also featured is the Adum Smallholder Project, which is facilitated by Proforest with funding from Partnership for Forests (P4F). This project has come about as a result of the commitment of Wilmar and the Benso Oil Palm Plantation (BOPP) to expand RSPO certification to a new smallholder outgrower plantation that they will source from. The partnership between BOPP and three communities in the Adum area, in the Mpohor District of the Western Region of Ghana, seeks to create the enabling environment for the communities to produce sustainable palm oil whilst contributing to addressing deforestation and forest degradation in the landscape.
We will be sharing news from other APOI countries as it becomes available.