14 abril 2020

Three newsletters from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Sierra Leone national platform!


Three newsletters from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Sierra Leone national platform!

As part of the communications focus for 2020, national platforms from each APOI country have been working on how to highlight their work to a wider audience. The Sierra Leone national platform has released three newsletters to show how the platform’s work contributes to their aim of promoting sustainable oil palm development.

The Sierra Leone national platform, facilitated by the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), printed and distributed these fliers throughout the country.

  • Flier A is an awareness-raising flier giving information about the APOI and its vision, how the Sierra Leone platform is structured, and the national processes that have taken place since 2016.
  • Flier B focuses on the importance of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and the importance of FPIC to communities, CSOs and the government.
  • Flier C explains the importance of identifying High Conservation Value (HCV) areas in the community, and the different categories of HCV which need to be protected.

We will be sharing news from other APOI countries as it becomes available