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Sustainable Landscape Initiative in Kutai Timur (SUSTAIN KUTIM)
7 agosto 2024The Sustainable Landscape Initiative in Kutai Timur (SUSTAIN KUTIM) project is a collaboration between the public and private sector in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, coordinated by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale...
NewsImplementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist
2 agosto 2024This award will go out to a group that has demonstrated honest, transparent disclosure of both negative and positive impacts through their sustainability reporting process.
NewsRegistration Open for RSPO Principles and Lead Auditor Course this August in Ghana
20 mayo 2024Proforest Africa has over the past decade organised over 20 Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and other tailored training for more than 200 participants. The RSPO Principles and Criteria Lead Auditor course is one of the...
NewsProgress on No-deforestation and No-peat commitments in the Palm Oil Sector
17 mayo 2024Reporting using the NDPE- Implementation Reporting Framework
NewsIV Congreso de Palma: Transformando el Entorno, en Guatemala
11 marzo 2024Del 28 de febrero al 1 de marzo de 2024, la Asociación de Cultivadores de Palma de Guatemala (GREPALMA) celebró el IV Congreso de Palma: Transformando el Entorno en Guatemala, el 6º productor y 3º exportador mundial de aceite de...
NewsParliament of Ghana Enacts Tree Crops Regulation L12471
31 enero 2024Parliament of Ghana has passed LI2471 to fortify the Tree Crop Development Authority’s (TCDA) operations. The TCDA, was established in 2020 to regulate and develop tree crop sectors such as oil palm, cashew, coconut, rubber,...
NewsPrograma de Paisaje 'Bosques para el Agua'
4 diciembre 2023Desde la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes colombianos, hasta el rio Magdalena en Puerto Wilches, Santander, nace el rio Lebrija. Localizado en una región de gran riqueza natural, especialmente hídrica, con sus ríos, quebradas,...
NewsProforest moderating panel at the 1st RSPO Inter-American Conference
18 mayo 2023For the first time, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil has organised an Inter-American Conference with the theme “From Emerging to Thriving: The role of the Americas as leaders in sustainable palm oil”.
NewsProforest publishes the Palm Oil Toolkit to help companies implement commitments
9 febrero 2023The Palm Oil Toolkit is a step-by-step guide for companies to follow, outlining the many initiatives that can help to address key environmental and social issues in the palm supply chain.
NewsThe Sungai Linau Landscape Conservation and Livelihoods Programme in video
20 diciembre 2022A short film about the Sungai Linau Landscape Conservation and Livelihoods Programme, supporting sustainable pulp & paper and palm oil production in Indonesia.
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