Proforest Academy es nuestra plataforma de aprendizaje en línea, donde encontrará una serie de cursos introductorios gratuitos, profundizaciones temáticas y formación certificada sobre nuestro trabajo en abastecimiento y producción responsables. Puede registrarse aquí para explorar nuestros cursos actuales y mantenerse al día de los nuevos recursos de formación y los próximos eventos.


Proforest Primer on Coffee

19 diciembre 2024

This Primer on Coffee will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Red Seaweed

19 diciembre 2024

This Primer on Red Seaweed will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Cocoa

27 noviembre 2024

This Primer on Cocoa will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Shea

4 octubre 2024

This Primer on Shea will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Sugarcane

30 septiembre 2024

This Primer on Sugarcane will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Coconut

25 septiembre 2024

This Primer on Coconut will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Natural Rubber

25 septiembre 2024

This Primer on Natural Rubber will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Beef

16 septiembre 2024

This Primer on Beef will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Proforest Primer on Palm Oil

16 septiembre 2024

This Primer on Palm Oil will provide foundational level knowledge on how we apply the ACRES framework to ensure positive outcomes for people, nature and climate throughout the supply chain, the social and environmental impacts at...

Training Courses (Docebo)