
embedded soy

Embedded soy: from understanding the challenges to taking action

25 noviembre 2024

This guidance highlights how companies can understand and assess their embedded soy, and engage with the challenges it poses.

Categorías: Apoyo a empresas Soja

Elder farmer in soy field

Companies Collaborating for Sustainable Soy Landscapes: Progress and Transition Pathways

1 febrero 2024

How and why midstream and downstream companies have taken landscape-scale action in soy production areas

Categorías: Personas Naturaleza Clima Apoyo a empresas Iniciativas de paisaje América Latina Soja

Opportunities for deforestation-free supply chains through producer-consumer country partnerships

Opportunities for deforestation-free supply chains through producer-consumer country partnerships

18 enero 2024

The article discusses the implications of the new regulation from the European Union (EUDR) in combating deforestation in the supply chains of agricultural commodities, with a focus on soy and livestock products exported by Brazil.

Categorías: Naturaleza América Latina Carne de vacuno Soja

SHARP: A Retrospective

SHARP: A Retrospective

27 agosto 2019

Proforest served as the global secretariat for the SHARP partnership from 2013 to 2019. This document outlines some of the key highlights of the partnership during that time.

Categorías: Aceite de palma Soja Caucho