18 noviembre 2020
China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemical (CCCMC)
China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemical (CCCMC) has more than 6,300 member enterprises in the various fields of metals, minerals, oil, chemicals, construction materials, natural rubber and tires. It is China's largest and most professional industry organization in this sector. CCCMC has led the development of the Guidance for Sustainable Natural Rubber, and launched the SNR guidance officially in October of 2017. CCCMC is actively promoting the “Sustainable Natural Rubber Project”, which aims to strengthen enterprises’ capacity building in sustainable rubber planting and production and processing; reduce the negative impact on local environment and society;effectively improve the livelihoods of affected people and communities;promote the synergy between upstream and downstream of the industry to build a sustainable natural rubber value chain. Their office is in Beijing, China (http://en.cccmc.org.cn/)
Proforest-CCCMC relationship was first started in 2017 where under China-UK Collaboration on International Forest Investment and Trade (InFIT) Programme, CCCMC led the development of the Guidance for Sustainable Natural Rubber (SNRG). The relationship has been strengthened through a Memorandum of Understanding signing in July 2020 to provide more technical and strategic supports to CCCMC until July 2021.