Acara dan webinar

Berikut ini adalah pilihan acara dan webinar yang kami selenggarakan atau bantu.

Keep up to date with our activities by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as reading the news section of this site. 

RSS for Sugar in Northen Negros Occidental

The Responsible Sourcing from Smallholders (RSS) programme was introduced in 2016 to address the key risks and needs of sugarcane farmers in Northern Negros Occidental, Philippines. The video highlights the challenges and achievements of the programme. 


Corporate financing mechanisms for land-based investments

Proforest's David D'Hollander discussed the potential for landscape programmes to scale interventions for carbon reduction and removals on-farm, and to initiate long term emission reduction measures off-farm on the WBCSD webinar 'Financing models for land-based investments'.

How business can benefit from engaging in landscape approaches

Proforest's Rachel Wall and Patrick Mallet from ISEAL Alliance, talk about how companies can put into practice landscape approaches to environmental and social challenges. They discuss why investing in landscape initiatives is important and how companies can benefit from it.

Tetap up to date dengan kegiatan kami dengan mengikuti kami di Twitter and LinkedIn, serta membaca bagian berita dari situs ini.

Proforest's Year in Review 2023

Each year the urgency to accelerate and scale collaborative action increases. So in 2023, we continued our work engaging with actors on the ground, incentivising collaborative landscape action, preparing for upcoming regulations, guiding on human rights and social issues, and building capacity and sharing knowledge.

10 years of Proforest Africa

Proforest Africa celebrates 10 years of transformative contributions to responsible sourcing and production, promoting sustainable landscapes and facilitating multistakeholder engagements.

The big picture: evolving private sector landscape-level action

23 November 2023

Proforest's Veronique Bovee, Deputy Director for Responsible Soucing, and Rodrigue Kreilmann, Corporate Sustainability Governance Manager at Mars, talk with Ian Welsh about how companies can help accelerate progress towards nature, people and climate goals on a landscape level. They discussed the importance of corporate leadership to drive this and peer collaboration.

Green Supply Chain Best Practices and Promotion Mechanism

27 October 2023

Proforest’s Tor Mooi See shared her views on the best practices of the palm oil industry at the Dialogue on Developing Countries' Efforts to Promote Supply Chain Resilience.

The webinar, organised by the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Centre (FECO) of the Chinese Ministry of Environment and Ecology (MEE) and World Resources Institute (WRI) China focused on providing updates on green supply chain policies, investment, and practices in strengthening the international collaboration on green value chains as part of the development of the green “Belt and Road” initiative lead by China.


MY Voice: Reintroducing the Just Good Work App

18 October 2023

The MY Voice team organised a webinar to share latest updates and real-life usage examples of the Just Good Work (JGW) app. The JGW app is a free mobile app that helps to engage with and inform workers about their rights, and an important tool for businesses to implement responsible recruitment practices.

The MY Voice project is led by SAI and partners such as Proforest, The Centre for Child Rights & Business, and Our Journey.

Podcast Interview: Exploring Pathways to Achieve Sustainability Goals in the Palm Oil Sector

16 August 2023

In conversation with IDH at the 2023 Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD), Veronique Bovee looks at how the palm oil sector needs to come together to address the impact of EUDR on smallholders and what Proforest is doing to support this.

Tackling Conversion of Natural Ecosystems through Collective Action

29 June 2023

Proforest's Hélène Mbaididje, Senior Project Manager- Conservation & Land Use, speaking at the Land & Carbon Lab 2023 in Brussels, on examples and lessons learned from collective action in production landscapes, with a focus on the use of data and monitoring tools. Watch it here.

AFi Webinar: Protecting forests, ecosystems, and human rights in a shifting landscape

25 May 2023

This webinar was moderated by Proforest's Group and Europe Director, Ruth Nussbaum, featuring presenters from the AFi and insights from McDonald’s. It explores how companies in the agriculture and forestry sectors can use the Accountability Framework to take action across seven essential areas as they establish and improve their policies and practices.

Colaboração para uma pecuária sustentável

19 April 2023

Representando a Proforest, Isabella Freire, Co-Diretora da Proforest América Latina, em parceria com a GTPS, participou do programa Planeta Campo do Canal Rural Produções para destacar a importância da colaboração na cadeia produtiva da pecuária sustentável. Para alcançar uma pecuária mais sustentável, é fundamental que todos os setores e elos da cadeia produtiva trabalhem em conjunto.

Breaking the chains - EU Regulation on deforestation-free commodities

26 January 2023

To explore the new EU Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR) and the concerns surrounding deforestation a panel event was held at Europe House. One of the panellists was Proforest's Mike Senior, Deputy Director - Conservation and Land Use, who expanded on the challenges inherent in protecting forests and safeguarding biodiversity.

Proforest Review of 2022

21 December 2022

Looking back into the year 2022, reconnecting through our work in Responsible Sourcing and Production, in Production Landscapes around the world, from the field to conferences, and through Collaboration.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible, best wishes for the new year!

Applying HCV Approach at Landscape Scale: From Screening to Protection

15 December 2022

This Jurisdictional Action Network webinar organised in collaboration with the HCV Network showcased examples of the HCV approach that have been implemented in practice in Kapuas Hulu, Indonesia and Mbangassina, Cameroon. Proforest's Hélène Mbaididje and Stephan Kitzbichler, GIZ, shared their first-hand experiences of using HCV screening and assessments at landscape scale. Watch the webinar here.

Leadership for landscapes and forests: integrating actions and stakeholders

21 November 2022

In a talk with Ian Welsh, Proforest's Abraham Baffoe and Mike Senior discuss what good policies look like to ensure producer voices are heard, create incentives and transparency, and mitigate unintended consequences hindering progress. Listen to the full podcast here.

What does landscape approach delivery actually look like?

28 October 2022

Proforest's Mike Senior and Abraham Baffoe discussed how landscape approaches can work in practice. Speaking also about the leadership that is necessary from grower country governments, and why science-based targets for nature are going to be a key future innovation. Listen to the full podcast here.

Delivering successful landscape outcomes for Indonesia’s forests

14 October 2022

In this podcast, Proforest's Veronique Bovee and Mila Nuh talk about why preserving forests and ecosystems can mean adopting a pragmatic approach in working landscapes. Discussing some of the challenges encountered in Indonesia, the importance of collaboration with indigenous communities and how transparency fosters trust. Listen here.

NYC Climate Week 2022: Amazon Origin Cocoa- Beyond deforestation-free potential

22 September 2022

A webinar organised by TFA and partners at New York Climate Week 2022. Hear from Proforest's Daniel Arancibia on the importance of cocoa of Amazonian origin and the progress made towards sustainable cocoa. Watch the webinar here.

Protecting land rights in commodity supply chains

14 June 2022

An Accountability Framework's webinar featuring Proforest's Justin Dupré-Harbord joined by experts from Forest Peoples Programme, Foundation of Sustainable Forest Peoples Indonesia, Landesa and Rainforest Alliance, sharing best practice on respecting Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities land rights in commodity supply chains. Watch the webinar.

ITC Roundtables on Deforestation implications of the EU deforestation regulation

9 June 2022

This webinar features Mike Senior, Proforest presenting the keynote speech for the Deforestation 3rd Roundtable. Watch the webinar.

Understanding company action in landscape and jurisdictional approaches (podcast)

9 May 2022
This podcast, organised by ISEAL, features Proforest's Ruth Nussbaum speaking on the importance of collective engagement beyond individual supply chains to make locally relevant and effective changes in landscape activities. Listen to the podcast.

Landscape approaches: New guidance for companies from ISEAL

10 March 2022
Introducing ISEAL's guidance for effective company actions in landscapes and jurisdictions, developed in collaboration with CDP, Proforest, TFA and WWFWatch the webinar. 

How to make a landscape approach work for the entire value chain

4 March 2022
In this Innovation Forum podcast, IDH’s Matthew Spencer, Proforest’s Ruth Nussbaum and Conservation International’s John Buchanan discuss the landscape approach collaborative platform SourceUp. Listen to the recording.

Scaling up impacts and collaboration on jurisdictional/landscape approaches

27 January 2022
This webinar, organised by CDPISEAL and Proforest, supported by the Tropical Forest Alliance, looked at landscape and jurisdictional approaches from a private sector perspective, with representatives from Nestlé, Musim Mas and Clarmundial sharing insights. 

Our Work in 2021

31 December 2021 

A review of our work in 2021 supporting agricultural commodity production and sourcing to deliver positive social and environmental outcomes. Find out more about our vision and strategy here


Africa-Latin America Exchange Webinar

10 December 2021

Lessons learned from the Asunafo-Asutifi Landscape Programme in Ghana. More information here

Intercambio África-Latinoamérica

10 diciembre 2021

Lecciones aprendidas de nuestro programa de paisaje de África en Asunafo-Asutifi, Ghana. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

Integrating Workers’ Rights into Commodity Supply Chains 

1 December 2021 
This Accountability Framework Initiative (Afi) company training webinar was about applying the Accountability Framework to protect workers’ rights in agricultural supply chains. Speakers on the panel were from Proforest, NestléOxfam and the Rainforest Alliance

Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflicts within Smallholder Landscapes in Sabah 

30 November 2021
Seratu Aatai and Proforest brought together civil society organisations to share initiatives related to oil palm smallholder sustainability and human-elephant conflict. This is part of our work on Production and Protection Beyond Concessions.

Putting the Jurisdictional Approach to Work

22 November 2021
In this Jurisdictional Action Network webinar participants learned about how the jurisdictional approach encourages collective action to drive change at scale to achieve sustainable land use. Featuring Proforest, ISEAL, Tropical Forest Alliance and WWF.

Collaborative Soy Initiative: Multiple routes to conversion-free sustainable soy

18 November 2021
The Collaborative Soy Initiative and Proforest present a new ‘magicube’ narrative for combining the best of approaches for conversion-free sustainable soy.

GLF Climate 2021: How Can We Build Greener Supply Chains?

6 November 2021
At this Global Landscapes Forum event, speakers from Proforest, OroVerde, Olam Ghana, IUCN and CDP Europe discussed the transformational change needed to enable nature-positive supply chains for healthy ecosystems and livelihoods.

GLF Climate 2021: HCV Screening to Prioritize Conservation and Livelihoods

6 November 2021
At this Global Landscapes Forum event, speakers from Proforest, GIZ Indonesia and the HCV Resource Network discussed how HCV screening can prevent the destruction of nature in production landscapes.

The Cerrado Protocol: Key Results from the Consultation Process

28 September 2021
A webinar organised by Proforest and Imaflora to present the new Voluntary Monitoring Protocol for Cattle Suppliers in the Cerrado, covering key results from the consultation process and next steps for the protocol, with the aim of transforming the beef sector in Brazil.   

Climate Week NYC: Jurisdictional Approaches in Southeast Asia

23 September 2021
Proforest's Southeast Asia Director Surin Suksuwan was invited to speak about jurisdictional approaches for sustainable commodity production in Southeast Asia as part of the Tropical Forest Alliance's series of Climate Week NYC events.

Creating Private Sector Behavioural Change to Sustainability

9 August 2021
This panel discussion hosted by Efeca, featuring speakers from Proforest, PCI Mato Grosso, the Accountability Framework Initiative and Nestlé, included a discussion about how to move beyond individual supply chain action.

Watch the recording.

Chatham House’s 31st Global Forum on Forest Governance

13 July 2021
We led a session on due diligence regulations and sustainable trade as part of Chatham House’s 31st Global Forum on Forest Governance, with viewpoints from government, smallholders, companies and those working on sustainable standards.

Jurisdictional Approaches: Concepts and Experiences in Brazil

6 April 2021
This CDP and Proforest webinar about jurisdictional and landscape approaches in Brazil featured speakers from PCI Mato Grosso, FAPCEN, Amaggi and Carrefour.

Watch the recording.

The Soy Toolkit: Resources for Responsible Soy Sourcing

18 March 2021
This webinar provided insights on how to implement responsible sourcing commitments using the Soy Toolkit. It featured presentations from AAK and Cargill.