Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

Supporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado

20 November 2024

In September, Climate Week NYC provided the setting for the launch of the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership by the CGF Forest Positive Coalition (FPC) and the WBCSD Soft Commodities Forum (SCF). The Partnership aims to drive...

Implementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist

Implementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist

2 Agustus 2024

This award will go out to a group that has demonstrated honest, transparent disclosure of both negative and positive impacts through their sustainability reporting process.

Introducing Liberia’s National Gender Strategy For Agro-Commodity Production

Introducing Liberia’s National Gender Strategy For Agro-Commodity Production

21 Maret 2022

Liberia's Minister of Agriculture opened a two-day Gender Policy Fair in Monrovia - includes coverage on Liberia national television.

Proforest and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative at CoP26: Marrakesh+5

Proforest and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative at CoP26: Marrakesh+5

25 Oktober 2021

Five years of progress with implementing the Marrakesh Commitment on Responsible Oil Palm Development in Africa.

Engaging with Landscape Initiatives

Engaging with Landscape Initiatives

26 Oktober 2020

Proforest is pleased to share our new InfoNote on “Engaging with Landscape Initiatives​​​​​​​”.

This is a practical guide for supply chain companies outlining why they should work at the landscape level, what a production...

Join us at Climate Week 2020

Join us at Climate Week 2020

17 September 2020

Join Proforest at this year’s virtual New York Climate Week where we will be co-hosting two events on corporate action:


Weds 23 September

Business Action Within and Beyond Supply Chains

Hosted by the GEF’s Good Growth...

Newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Edo State, Nigeria, platform

Newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Edo State, Nigeria, platform

13 Juli 2020

As part of the communications focus for 2020, national platforms from each APOI country have been working on how to highlight their work to a wider audience. The Edo State national platform has just released this newsletter to its...


Sustainable Natural Rubber plans for 2020

21 April 2020

This year we will be working closely with China’s Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) on Sustainable Natural Rubber through our Production Landscapes Programme and DFID’s InFIT Phase 2 Programme.

Three newsletters from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Sierra Leone national platform!

Three newsletters from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Sierra Leone national platform!

14 April 2020

As part of the communications focus for 2020, national platforms from each APOI country have been working on how to highlight their work to a wider audience.

Second newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Ghana national platform

Second newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Ghana national platform

27 Januari 2020

Second newsletter from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's Ghana national platform
