Understanding the debate around the Soy Moratorium

Understanding the debate around the Soy Moratorium

5 Desember 2024

Context of the Debate 

The Soy Moratorium, established in 2006, has long faced criticism from producers because it imposes stricter requirements than Brazilian law. Under the agreement, any detection of soy planted on area...

embedded soy

New guidance on embedded soy, and highlights from RTRS 2024

25 November 2024

Addressing environmental and human rights risks in soy production is crucial, especially in priority regions. Analysing the soy supply chain and direct purchases is important, but identifying where soy is embedded in various...

Multistakeholder engagement on sustainable transition of soy and cattle sectors

Multistakeholder engagement on sustainable transition of soy and cattle sectors

6 November 2023

Proforest, TFA and the Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition of Action (CGF FPC) are in Brazil this week for a number of key meetings and activities focused on the sustainable transition of the soy and cattle sectors. 

Supporting zero-deforestation soy initiative through monitoring

Supporting zero-deforestation soy initiative through monitoring

3 Agustus 2022

Proforest has been invited to sit on the Environmental Committee of The Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF). RCF is a new system of financial incentives for farmers in Brazil who commit to deforestation- and conversion-free (DCF) soy cultivation.

The Soy Toolkit at Work in Companies

The Soy Toolkit at Work in Companies

1 April 2021

Cargill and AAK discuss how they use the toolkit for supplier engagement and capacity building

The Soy Toolkit webinar: Tools and resources for companies to meet commitments on responsible soy sourcing

The Soy Toolkit webinar: Tools and resources for companies to meet commitments on responsible soy sourcing

25 Februari 2021

Do you know where the soy in your company’s supply chain is coming from?

Join the Soy Toolkit webinar on March 18th to gain insights on how to implement responsible sourcing commitments, and hear from the experts Caroline...

Join the Soy Toolkit at the online International Grains Council 2020 event, June 10th

Join the Soy Toolkit at the online International Grains Council 2020 event, June 10th

26 Mei 2020

Proforest’s team will be presenting the Soy Toolkit at this year’s IGC event, now fully online for delegates on June 10th.

As one of the Associate Sponsors of the event, we’re looking forward to presenting on the Soy Toolkit,...

New resources for companies to implement their responsible soy policies

New resources for companies to implement their responsible soy policies

27 April 2020

This week new resources have been made available to soy buying companies looking to implement their responsible sourcing policies. Available on the Soy Toolkit website – – the set of executive summaries give a...

Find out about the Soy Toolkit at the Edie Sustainability Leaders Forum, London, 4-5 Feb 2020

Find out about the Soy Toolkit at the Edie Sustainability Leaders Forum, London, 4-5 Feb 2020

31 Januari 2020

Proforest’s Director of Programmes, Sophie Higman, will be featured on a panel alongside Emma Keller of WWF UK and Laurence Webb of Tesco, discussing the embedded soy found in the average shopping basket!

She will outline:


Tyson Foods Partners with Proforest to Conduct Global Deforestation Risk Assessment

Tyson Foods Partners with Proforest to Conduct Global Deforestation Risk Assessment

29 Oktober 2019

Findings from the risk assessment will inform the development of a Tyson Foods Forest Protection Policy in 2020
