The Blueprint for mature landscape initiatives
11 Desember 2024In October 2024, Proforest was part of a coalition of organisations led by ISEAL which co-published a set of Core Criteria for Mature Landscape Initiatives. While there has been a lot of interest in landscape initiatives as a...
NewsSupporting landscape-level collective action in Brazil’s Cerrado
20 November 2024In September, Climate Week NYC provided the setting for the launch of the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership by the CGF Forest Positive Coalition (FPC) and the WBCSD Soft Commodities Forum (SCF). The Partnership aims to drive...
NewsUN Forum on Business and Human Rights event, 26th November
19 November 2024We are delighted to be at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on Tuesday 26th 5.35-6.00pm Room XXIV to launch a new Converged HREDD assessment tool and guidance framework, developed through a collaboration between ...
NewsProforest Africa Initiative commissions a Rural Service Centre for Farmers in Ahafo Region, Ghana
29 Oktober 2024Proforest in collaboration with Forestry Commission and COCOBOD Ghana have inaugurated a new Community Resource Management Area and Rural Service Centre at Dadiesoaba, located in the Asutifi South District of the Ahafo Region,...
NewsProforest at The Nature for Life Hub 2024
17 September 2024During this year's event you will have the opportunity to learn more about some of our landscape and jurisdictional initiatives in San Pédro, Côte d'Ivoire, Riau Province, Indonesia and Asunafo-Asutifi, Ghana. Explore the interactive world map to find these collaborative initiatives, watch the short videos to meet the actors involved in the initiatives, the key environmental and social issues and the work we are doing with partners to address these.
NewsImplementation Reporting Framework- A Reuters Sustainability Awards Finalist
2 Agustus 2024This award will go out to a group that has demonstrated honest, transparent disclosure of both negative and positive impacts through their sustainability reporting process.
NewsTaufiq Alimi to lead Proforest Southeast Asia
25 Juli 2024Proforest announces the appointment of Taufiq Alimi as the new Executive Director, Proforest Southeast Asia.
Taufiq will be based in Proforest’s Jakarta office as he will be leading the highly skilled and fast-growing regional team, based across the Malaysia and Indonesia offices.
NewsLeading experts unite to strengthen finance sector engagement on deforestation
26 Juni 2024DEFT Pathway will categorise companies according to their level of progress on deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems and highlight priority, timebound next actions. It will synthesise existing frameworks, guidance and metrics and align with climate and nature transition plans.
NewsMonitoring Protocol defines environmental commitments for livestock farming in the Cerrado
24 April 2024Common socio-environmental responsibility criteria will be an ally against growing deforestation in this vital Brazilian biome.
NewsProforest joins the Science Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program
17 April 2024We are delighted to announce that Proforest is an SBTN Corporate Engagement Program participant, pledging alignment with SBTN’s goals and vision and contributing feedback and end-user insights to the development of SBTN methods...