29 April 2021
UK Aid funding extension for Production Landscapes Programme

We are delighted to launch the extension of our UKAid-funded programme “Using deforestation-free commodity supply chains to support national initiatives to combat forest loss”. The extension, which will enable us to collaborate on this programme until 2022, builds on FCDO’s Forest Governance, Markets and Climate 2018 grant.
This new phase will continue the work underway in four production countries with local teams who know the landscape and stakeholders in Ghana, Cameroon, Liberia and Indonesia, across palm oil, cocoa, rubber and timber supply chains. We will also continue to work in China as a major demand country for palm and rubber.
We plan to further develop the work we have done in the production landscapes through on-the-ground pilots, with an important focus on human rights impacts at scale and positive outcomes for local communities. The pilots will test Human Rights Impact Assessments in landscape level processes such as REDD+, NAP and GCFRP in Indonesia, Liberia and Ghana.
On the demand side we are looking forward to continuing our work with key Chinese Chambers of Commerce to produce and test practical guidance for Chinese companies on sustainable rubber and palm.
You can watch a short animation that explains the activity, impact and lessons learned in the previous phase of the grant in Indonesia, created by a local agency with Proforest Indonesia.