IMG: Daniel Arancibia, Co-Director Latin America.

Daniel Arancibia

Executive Director, Latin America

Daniel holds a degree in Forestry Sciences, an MBA from the Universidad del Pacífico (Peru), and a specialization in Green Finances from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). With over 20 years of international experience, Daniel leverages his extensive expertise to drive sustainable development initiatives. He collaborates with companies and governments to achieve positive outcomes within and beyond supply chains.

Before joining Proforest, Daniel worked with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and WWF, supporting various forest, market transformation, and carbon programs across Latin America and the Caribbean. He has been part of the High Conservation Value Network (HCVN) since its inception and is a registered practitioner for the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA). Additionally, Daniel is trained in several standards, including ISO 9001, Alliance for Water Stewardship, RSPO P&C, and RSPO SCC auditing.


Kategori: Technical, Management, Amerika Latin