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AWARD: Bonsucro Best Sustainability Initiative

Bonsucro Inspire Award 2022: Integrated ARBO Child Labour and PPE Programme (IACAP) – Sugar Industry Foundation Inc. (SIFI) in partnership with Proforest, Nestle and ASR Group

Kategori: Gula

ELEARNING COURSE: Introduction to RSPO Independent Smallholder Standards

Learn more about the RSPO group certification scheme in this online course.

Smallholder engagement

This document is part of a series of briefing notes about responsible sourcing and production.

Kategori: Manusia Responsible Sourcing & Production Briefings

BLOG: Keeping smallholders in supply chains – and deforestation out

Ruth Nussbaum discusses how we can help smallholders adopt high conservation values

SHARP: A Retrospective

Proforest served as the global secretariat for the SHARP partnership from 2013 to 2019. This document outlines some of the key highlights of the partnership during that time.

Kategori: Sawit Kedelai Karet

Baseline studies of successful models for sustainable smallholder development

Baseline studies review of some of the models of smallholder production, ranging from independent farmers or cooperatives to large-scale schemes funded by governments or the private sector.

Kategori: Afrika Amerika Latin Asia Tenggara

BLOG: Mobile technology helps smallholder oil palm farmers move towards sustainability

Proforesters Mike Senior, Bella Sosa and Sophie Higman share insight on how mobile technology is helping smallholders in this Global Forest Watch blog

Supplier Engagement

PUBLICATION: Progress on No-deforestation and No-peat Commitments in the Palm Oil Sector

Reporting using the NDPE - Implementation Reporting Framework

Kategori: Sawit

FRAMEWORK: Responsible Sourcing in practice: Supplier engagement

Proforest has developed a framework of good practice within which companies can implement their own programme. This briefing summarises Proforest’s approach to supplier engagement.

TOOLKIT: Soy: Engage Suppliers

The aim of this element is: to provide companies with resources to engage and improve suppliers’ programmes; to work collaboratively on complex issues through at-scale initiatives beyond company’s individual supply chains

PUBLICATION: Engaging suppliers: working with suppliers to implement responsible sourcing commitments for soy

This briefing note is part of the ‘Responsible Sourcing: A Soy Toolkit'. It relates to element 3 (Engage suppliers) of the 5-element approach for sourcing environmentally and socially sustainable soy.

WEBINAR: Soytoolkit

Series of webinars developed for companies for each of the elements of the responsible sourcing process.

FRAMEWORK: Responsible supply chain management: Best practices

Accountability Framework Webinar on responsible supply chain management: Best practices


ELEARNING COURSE: Gender Inclusion in Agro-commodity Production

PF-Academy has created this e-learning course to enhance the levels of understanding, sensitivity and skills for gender issues amongst key stakeholders within commodity sectors.

PUBLICATION: Gender Equality Guidance Paper for Fieldwork

Part of a series of internal Gender Equality Guidance paper we developed on our approach.

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis of Customary Practices in Oil Palm Producing Areas and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative process in Ghana

Ghana’s national platform conducted a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis to understand how gender sensitive (or otherwise) the APOI process has been in the country.

Kategori: Manusia APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Human Rights & Social Issues Afrika Sawit

PUBLICATION: Gender Equality Guidance Paper for Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives

As part of our approach we developed a series of internal Gender Equality Guidance papers. These papers aim to provide a rationale and recommendations - developed by and for colleagues - on how to integrate women’s rights and gender equality into our projects and identify opportunities for gender sensitisation and/ or transformation in this work.

PUBLICATION: Gender Equality Guidance Paper for Responsible Sourcing Projects

As part of our approach we developed a series of internal Gender Equality Guidance papers. These papers aim to provide a rationale and recommendations - developed by and for colleagues - on how to integrate women’s rights and gender equality into our projects and identify opportunities for gender sensitisation and/or transformation in this work.

Landscape Approaches

SERIES: Joint landscape position papers (2022/2023)

A series of four position papers that provide companies and the organisations that support them, with accessible and consistent guidance for effective investment and action in landscapes and jurisdictions.

Kategori: Mendukung perusahaan

ELEARNING COURSE: Protecting HCVs in Landscapes

A Proforest Academy course with the HCV Network on the benefits of using the HCV Approach at the landscape level.

PUBLICATION: Focus on landscapes by the Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition

This focus on production landscapes – the regions and environments where key commodities are produced and sourced – is critical for the success of the Coalition’s mission.

PUBLICATION: Company Landscape Engagement for Cocoa Sustainability: Progress and the Path Forward

This paper is part of a global study on private sector engagement at landscape and jurisdictional scale and is conducted by the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) in collaboration with Proforest, CDP and others.

Kategori: Inisiatif lanskap

WEBSITE: Siak & Pelalawan Landscape Programme

The Siak-Pelalawan Landscape Programme (SPLP) is a private sector-driven initiative in the districts of Siak and Pelalawan in Riau province, Indonesia

ONLINE RESOURCE: The Holistic Program

The Holistic Program is a collaborative effort between the companies Oleopalma, PepsiCo, Femexpalma, Nestlé, Proforest and RSPO to support the sustainable development of the Mexican palm oil sector

REPORT: Agrovita (PepsiCo Mexico)

PepsiCo's Sustainability Report

International Climate Initiative (IKI) programme

Linking ‘no-deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives

CASE STUDY: How companies collaborate and engage

Siak Pelalalwan Landscape Programme


SourceUp connects markets with producing areas for responsible sourcing at scale by linking stakeholders in producing areas and along supply chains.

ONLINE RESOURCE: Jurisdictional Approaches Resource Hub

A community of people and organisations who seek to advance Jurisdictional Approaches (JAs) that support the responsible production and sourcing of forest-risk commodities; hosted by the Tropical Forest Alliance as part of the Jurisdictional Action Network.

VIDEO: What is a sustainable landscape?

This short video presentation by Proforest looks at what a sustainable landscape is.

PHOTO STORY: Côte D’Ivoire Insights

A photo story on capacity building in the landscape

Kategori: Inisiatif lanskap

PHOTO STORY: Ghana Insights

A photo story on capacity building in a Hotspot Intervention Area

Kategori: Inisiatif lanskap

Human Rights

TOOLKIT: Human Rights Spotlight

The Guide is aimed primarily at sugarcane producers and suppliers, seeking to implement practices that encourage respect for internationally recognised human rights. The Human Rights Spotlight was jointly developed by Proforest and Imaflora, with resources from the Bonsucro Impact Fund, and the companies Nestlé, General Mills, Hershey's and Barry Callebaut.

EXTERNAL RESOURCE: Principles of Community Monitoring Report

A Path for Companies and Investors to Strengthen Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence and Support Community Tenure in Land-based Sectors.

ONLINE RESOURCE: Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Library of Tools

Hosted by the Palm Oil Collaboration Group (POCG) this digital library provides links to a range of HRDD tools for downstream and upstream companies in the palm oil sector.


The concept of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is an important element in ensuring a sustainable and responsibly sourced supply chain.

ELEARNING COURSE: An Introduction to Safeguarding

Learn about the definitions and core commitments of Safeguarding, prevention measures, and what we can do as an organisation to uphold the principles of Safeguarding in this free one-hour course.

ELEARNING COURSE: Respecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Two-hour introductory course designed for those working in the agricultural commodity sector wishing to gain a basic understanding of who IPs and LCs are, their rights, and what they should be doing in their work to ensure these groups' rights are respected.

Policy Work

POLICY BRIEFING: Risk Benchmarking for the EU Deforestation Regulation: Key Principles & Recommendations

Trase and Proforest have released a comprehensive risk benchmarking framework and methodology aimed at supporting the European Union’s deforestation regulation (EUDR) system.

POLICY PAPER: EU regulation on deforestation-free products

IDH / Proforest paper on recommendations for a forest positive impact re. EU regulation on deforestation-free products

PAPER: Raising the bar for measuring compliance: NDPE Implementation Framework improves transparency

Cargill collaborates to develop, test and scale a new reporting model for the palm oil industry

PUBLICATION: Engagement Principles for the Ghana Cocoa Forest REDD+ Program

Guidance overview of the environmental and social issues inherent int he production of agriculture and forest commodities in the production landscape

BLOG: Developing a policy in palm oil and cocoa production in Peru

As part of our Production Landscape Programme, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), sustainable palm oil production and cocoa is on the national agenda in Peru

Perangkat Panduan Kami

Panduan Penyediaan  Komoditas Pertanian yang Bertanggung jawab menyediakan sumber daya yang praktis dan mudah diakses bagi perusahaan untuk digunakan dalam pelatihan, pengembangan strategi, dan membantu implementasi komitmen:

Visit the Soy Toolkit

Visit the Beef Toolkit

Perangkat Panduan Kami

Panduan Penyediaan  Komoditas Pertanian yang Bertanggung jawab menyediakan sumber daya yang praktis dan mudah diakses bagi perusahaan untuk digunakan dalam pelatihan, pengembangan strategi, dan membantu implementasi komitmen: