24 Agustus 2023

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation: Incentivising Corporate Action at Landscape and Jurisdictional Scale

Beyond Value Chain Mitigation: Incentivising Corporate Action at Landscape and Jurisdictional Scale

This joint position paper on "Beyond Value Chain Mitigation: Incentivising Corporate Action at Landscape and Jurisdictional Scale" is a significant collaborative effort involving representatives from Conservation International (CI), the Earth Innovation Institute, the Earthworm Foundation, Emergent, IDH, ISEAL, LandScale, Proforest, and the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA). The main driving question is: How can the BVCM guidance effectively incentivise companies to take action at landscape/jurisdictional scale to tackle deforestation and climate change in production landscapes?

Here we provide a summary of some of the feedback from these organisations to the SBTi as part of its public consultation process. Aiming to serve as a reference and discussion point for stakeholders interested in building incentives for companies to take BVCM actions.

Kategori: Iklim Mendukung perusahaan Inisiatif lanskap