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Find out about what we do and the exciting opportunities we offer working at the forefront of responsible sourcing and production of agricultural commodities around the world.

Proforest memiliki tim global yang luar biasa yang terdiri dari staf yang sangat termotivasi dan terampil dari lebih dari 20 negara yang bekerja di luar kantor di Inggris, Belanda, Malaysia, Meksiko, Indonesia, Ghana, Brasil, dan Kolombia.

Proforest adalah Pemberi Kerja Kesempatan yang Setara dan keputusan pemilihan pekerjaan didasarkan pada prestasi, kualifikasi, dan kemampuan. Proforest tidak melakukan diskriminasi dalam kesempatan kerja atau praktik berdasarkan: usia, ras, agama, warna kulit, jenis kelamin, asal negara, status perkawinan, orientasi seksual, identitas gender, status veteran, kecacatan, status kehamilan atau status lain yang dilindungi oleh hukum.

Saat ini kami sedang merekrut untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

Permanent, full time, Oxford, UK or Leiden, NL

Who are we?   Proforest is a mission-driven organisation that provides a consultancy service working throughout agricultural supply chains supporting the production and sourcing of agricultural and forest commodities that deliver positive environmental and social outcomes for People, Nature and...

Permanent, full time, Oxford, UK or Leiden, The Netherlands

We’re seeking an experienced and knowledgeable strategic lead to support our growing portfolio of projects within responsible sourcing. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with deep technical knowledge gained working on responsible sourcing within agricultural supply chains to take on a...

Contrato inicial a término fijo (1 año), Cali (Colombia)

Proforest busca un profesional que nos apoye en el desarrollo de software en front-end para las aplicaciones de la organización. Se busca un perfil de Desarrollador Junior Front-end que diseñe y desarrolle las funcionalidades de software que se necesiten para las operaciones del negocio en la región...

Learn more about what we do and what it's like being a "Proforester" from the people who work here: Watch the full playlist

Aristotle Boaitey - Principal Project Manager (Ghana)

Yana Doncheva - Principal Project Manager (Europe)

Ikhlas Firman - Assistant Project Manager (Malaysia)

Our graduate trainee programme

This programme develops leaders to ensure our continued success as well as the success of our partners and clients.

Our graduate trainees take on substantial responsibilities under the supervision of sector experts in an international setting, enabling them to tackle challenges at a global scale, rapidly build up an international network, and prepare for cooperation with our overseas colleagues, partners and clients.

Contact us