Proforest Initiative UK

Proforest Initiative UK (PIUK) is one of Proforest Group’s three charitable organisations.

Proforest is a not-for-profit group. PIUK manages grant-funded programmes, and projects that support other non-profit organisations. PIUK’s knowledge products are always publicly available.

Pernyataan Tujuan PIUK

Kami mendorong transformasi produksi komoditas pertanian dengan mengatasi masalah sistemik yang menghambat pencapaian hasil sosial dan lingkungan yang positif.

Kami melakukan ini dengan membangun kolaborasi antara perusahaan rantai pasokan, produsen, pemerintah, LSM, dan pihak lainnya dengan berbagi alat bantu dan pengetahuan inovatif.

Sebagai anggota Grup Proforest, kami dapat memanfaatkan keterlibatan grup yang ada dengan perusahaan rantai pasokan, serta jaringan global keahlian lokalnya di negara-negara produsen.

The Proforest Initiative UK mengelola berbagai program yang didanai hibah. Ini disampaikan melalui kerja sama dengan entitas Grup Proforest lainnya, yang menyediakan keahlian lokal untuk menyampaikan program dan memastikan kepemilikan lokal atas pengetahuan yang dibangun melalui program.

Program kami membantu:

  • Prakarsa bentang alam dan sektoral yang memberikan hasil lingkungan dan sosial yang positif dalam skala besar
  • Proses multipihak regional dan lokal yang memungkinkan pengelolaan kolektif yang lebih baik atas tanah dan sumber daya, dan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia
  • Kolaborasi antara lembaga sektor publik dan perusahaan untuk mewujudkan sasaran keberlanjutan bersama
  • Pembangunan kapasitas di antara perusahaan, instansi pemerintah dan masyarakat madani untuk memproduksi dan memperoleh komoditas pertanian dan kehutanan secara berkelanjutan

PIUK juga mengelola beragam portofolio proyek jangka pendek yang membantu prakarsa multipihak dan skema standar sukarela.

Kami memfasilitasi berbagai proses multipihak, mengumpulkan para pelaku seputar tantangan sektoral, dan memberi nasihat tentang aspek teknis standar keberlanjutan.

The value of our charity

We value the charity status of PIUK because it helps us to:

  • Deliver grant funded, non-profit activities which produce publicly available outputs
  • Separate the governance of grant funded activities from consultancy operations
  • Raise capacity and address systemic environmental and social issues in commodity production countries

Bagaimana pengelolaan Proforest Initiative UK?

Proforest Initiative UK didaftarkan sebagai badan amal oleh Komisi Badan Amal untuk Inggris dan Wales (nomor badan amal 1137523) dan diawasi oleh dewan pengawas independen.

Pengurus Proforest Initiative

Wali kami membantu Proforest mencapai implementasi rencana strategis kami dan memastikan manajemen organisasi yang efisien.

Dr Chris Elliott

Dr Chris Elliott is an Adjunct Professor in the faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. He was the first Executive Director of the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) and prior to joining the Alliance worked for WWF in a variety of capacities and regions over twenty years, starting as China Program Coordinator and ending as Executive Director, Conservation, at WWF International. Before that, he was employed by The World Bank and by the Bank of Boston. He began his professional career by working for several years in organic agriculture. Chris has been closely involved in major forest conservation initiatives in the Congo Basin and the Amazon and led the development of a global partnership between WWF and IKEA. He worked on the establishment of the Forest Stewardship Council and was the organization’s first Board Chair. His education is in plant sciences, forestry, forest policy and ecosystem management at the universities of London, Yale and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). His doctoral dissertation was on forest certification as a policy instrument. 

Dr Mary Hobley

Mary is an independent consultant providing advice and support on programme design, appraisal, review, evaluation and policy-related research to bilateral, multilateral donors and NGOs. She studied forestry at Bangor, University of Wales and completed a doctorate at the Australian National University, Canberra in 1990. Today, Mary operates from the macro to micro policy level to understand social and political dynamics, working with women and men, community organisations, national governments, local governments, private sector, non-government organisations and civil society. She also works with organisations to review and advise on restructuring strategies, structures and systems. Formerly she has served as a trustee of CIFOR, a peer reviewer for the International Foundation for Science a member of the DFID Forestry Research Programme Advisory Committee, and a panel member for the Darwin Initiative Expert Committee. She joined the Proforest Initiative Board of Trustees in 2018.

Anders Lindhe

Anders has been involved with conservation and certification for more than twenty years, including four years with WWF Sweden, and six years as WWF International forest certification officer. He has participated in numerous national and international FSC processes and working groups, helped to create and develop the High Conservation Value (HCV) concept, and coordinated the FSC Plantations Review. Anders also co-facilitated the RTRS standard-setting process with Proforest, and was a member of the RSPO Biodiversity and HCV Working Group and Compensation Task Force 2011-2016. Other work over the years include developing WWF’s Paper Scorecard and Certification Assessment Tool, assisting Swedish public procurement of wood products, and supporting national implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive. Anders joined the HCV Network as Technical Manager in 2013, and currently focuses on responsible practises for smallholders and on procedures for participatory forest monitoring. He has a PhD in conservation biology (Uppsala), a degree in chemistry and botany (Stockholm), and many years of experience teaching forest conservation and historic land use.