Deforestation and conversion free (DCF) and verified deforestation and conversion free (V-DCF) sourcing claims are made throughout commodity supply chains to meet company commitments, including Scope 3 climate commitments, comply with regulation (e.g. EUDR) and fulfil stakeholder and investor expectations. However, without one agreed global calculation and reporting methodology, there is still a lack of alignment and transparency in the sector.

In collaboration with our partners, including the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi), CDP, Trase and many others, we developed a Generic Deforestation and Conversion Free Framework. This is a starting point for alignment, transparency, and consistency while recognising the need to adapt to different realities, including DCF reporting for smallholders.

Confirming DCF through our generic framework

Confirming that the production of raw materials was deforestation and conversion free (DCF) can be a challenging process as many commodities have complex supply chains and extensive mixing of material. Therefore, it is essential to engage with suppliers and work together to develop sectoral approaches.

Proforest's generic DCF methodology sets out three steps required to confirm that the production of raw material is deforestation and conversion free (DCF). The fourth step to confirm verified DCF requires third-party verification that the appropriate methodology was followed, the data sets are complete and accurate, and the claims are credible.