These video and photo highlights take a look back over the year. Find out more about our vision and strategy here and take a look at all our projects here. Thank you and best wishes to all for the coming year.


January, February and March

Launch of our online learning and training portal, Proforest Academy

We supported more than 700 people with sanitary services, rest and shade, PPE, and water in San Luis Potosí, northeastern Mexico

Health & safety and hydration training for sugar workers in Mexico

Our Soy Toolkit webinar invited speakers from Cargill and AAK to share how they have been using the toolkit for supplier engagement and capacity building

HCV assessment & community consultation in Ghana

Looking at water management in palm oil production at the Lebrija River basin, Colombia

April, May and June

HCV/HCSA scoping in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Throughout 2021 we worked on 200 projects, across 15 commodities in 25 countries

Agrovita Landscape Programme with PepsiCo Mexico and PepsiCo Foundation launches in Mexico

Supporting collaboration and multi-stakeholder initiatives within and beyond supply chains for governments, NGOs and companies

We opened new offices in Mexico, the Netherlands and Indonesia

We launched our website in Chinese

July, August and September

Learning about shea, with social and environmental risk assessments in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana

We published guidance for companies in agricultural commodity supply chains to help them give specific recognition of risks faced by human rights defenders

NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework training workshop for refinery staff in Malaysia

Surin Suksuwan, Director of Proforest Southeast Asia, was invited to speak on “The State of Jurisdictional Approaches in Southeast Asia” at Climate Week NYC

Edo State FPIC Roadmap Validation Workshop facilitated by Proforest in Nigeria

We led a session on due diligence regulations and sustainable trade as part of Chatham House’s 31st Global Forum on Forest Governance, with viewpoints from government, smallholders, companies and those working on sustainable standards

We facilitated a multi-stakeholder workshop to select a landscape for a pilot landscape programme in Côte d’Ivoire, part of our Production Landscapes Programme work

National cross-commodity dialogue kick-off meeting, Cameroon

Great to see our teams starting to get back together in person, as social distancing allows, with a first meeting for some of our colleagues in Brazil

Proforest and Imaflora collaborated with supply chain actors to create a voluntary monitoring protocol for cattle suppliers in the Cerrado, Brazil

October, November and December

We were able to get together for meetings, workshops and knowledge sharing in Colombia, Mexico, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia and the UK!

Meetings and site visits with selected fresh fruit bunch dealers, Malaysia

We held our first ever RSPO course in Peru, combining time in the classroom with field trips

Proforest Malaysia invited to participate in the Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)’s Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Committee

Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2022!