Leading experts unite to strengthen finance sector engagement on deforestation
26 June 2024DEFT Pathway will categorise companies according to their level of progress on deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems and highlight priority, timebound next actions. It will synthesise existing frameworks, guidance and metrics and align with climate and nature transition plans.
NewsProforest Africa secures funding to enhance FPIC education in Liberia and Republic of Congo
10 June 2024Proforest Africa has secured $125, 000 to develop, communicate and support implementation of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) guidelines in the Republic of Congo (RoC) and Liberia. The one-year project funded by Global Commons...
NewsShaping the Sustainable Future of Sugarcane Production in the Philippines
3 June 2024Nestlé and ASR Group, together with partners Proforest and the Sugar Industry Foundation, Inc. (SIFI) jointly organised the Shaping the Sustainable Future of Sugarcane Production in the Philippines forum on 8 May 2024.
The forum...
NewsHuman Rights Due Diligence in Sugarcane Mills
28 May 2024Collaborating with multi-stakeholders to conduct meaningful Human Rights Due Diligence processes in Argentinian sugarcane mills
The implementation of companies’ commitment to respect human rights has led us to support five sugar...
NewsRegistration Open for RSPO Principles and Lead Auditor Course this August in Ghana
20 May 2024Proforest Africa has over the past decade organised over 20 Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and other tailored training for more than 200 participants. The RSPO Principles and Criteria Lead Auditor course is one of the...
NewsProgress on No-deforestation and No-peat commitments in the Palm Oil Sector
17 May 2024Reporting using the NDPE- Implementation Reporting Framework
NewsProforest joins the International Platform for Insetting (IPI)
2 May 2024Proforest has become a member of the International Platform for Insetting (IPI) and is looking forward to contrbuting to the future of insetting.
“Now more than ever, our clients are working to meet their net-zero and...
NewsMonitoring Protocol defines environmental commitments for livestock farming in the Cerrado
24 April 2024Common socio-environmental responsibility criteria will be an ally against growing deforestation in this vital Brazilian biome.
NewsProforest helps AFi to launch new e-learning platform to support corporate sustainability performance
22 April 2024We are very excited to announce the new e-learning platform launched by AFi today that was developed with support from Proforest. Companies and those working with the private sector please take a look!
The Accountability...
NewsProforest joins the Science Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program
17 April 2024We are delighted to announce that Proforest is an SBTN Corporate Engagement Program participant, pledging alignment with SBTN’s goals and vision and contributing feedback and end-user insights to the development of SBTN methods...