10 September 2019
Accountability Framework Call to Action

“The time for ethical supply chains is now”
15 organisations behind the Accountability Framework have called on companies to follow the guidance set out in the Framework to end commodity-driven environmental and human rights negative impacts on the planet. This comes in the run up to 2020, the deadline for many companies to implement their zero deforestation policy commitments. Although many companies have made progress, the majority are still far from achieving ethical supply chains.
Companies are urged to:
- Establish ethical supply chain commitments (or update existing commitments)
- Take effective action to address ecosystem conversion and human rights abuses throughout their entire production base, supply chain, and finance portfolio
- Monitor and report progress to provide transparent information to stakeholders and
- guide continuous improvement
Companies have been asking for clear and standardised guidance on how to address these issues in their supply chains and the Accountability Framework, launched in June 2019, gives “ a clear and practical roadmap to implementing ethical supply chains”.
Proforest is a member of the steering committee of the Accountability Framework.
The full Call to Action is available to download in English and Portuguese.