15 June 2016
CORE support to Musim Mas traceability

Musim Mas launched its sustainability policy at the end of 2014 and signed the Indonesian Palm Oil Pledge (IPOP).
Since June 2015, the company has been working with the Consortium of Resource Experts (CORE), comprising Proforest, Rainforest Alliance and Daemeter Consulting, to meet its commitments on sourcing sustainable palm oil. Progress on policy implementation, including successfully mapping 100% of the mills which supply its 11 Indonesian refineries and nine kernel crushing plants, is reported in Musim Mas’ latest Sustainability Progress Report.
CORE’s support to date for Musim Mas has focused on two key areas:
- Traceability verification assessments, which confirmed the achievement of the refinery to mill traceability objective.
- Environmental risk assessment and analysis for top 100 supplier mills by volume.
The verification work has enabled CORE to conclude that Musim Mas’ traceability systems are comprehensive and robust, and to confirm the reliability of the company’s traceability reporting. The environmental risk analysis of supplier mills has given Musim Mas a clear basis for designing future engagement strategies with their suppliers, in order to mitigate risks and maximize the positive impact of Musim Mas’ policy implementation.
Supplier engagement is key to improving good practice. CORE’s engagement with the Musim Mas supply base during the remainder of 2016 and beyond will now be rolled out through linked supplier workshops and verification assessments, with twin objectives of building capacity and accelerating policy compliance. These activities will be targeted in priority landscapes and with key plantation company groups.
Read Musim Mas’ latest Sustainability Progress Report.