29 October 2018
From principles to practice: implementing deforestation commitments in Africa
Africa's rich tropical forests represent the world’s second largest contiguous tropical forest and provide a livelihood to millions of people. But they are under increasing pressure from agricultural production.
In October 2018, 150 stakeholders from across West and Central Africa gathered in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo to discuss practical approaches to addressing this problem at the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 Africa Palm Oil Initiative.
Drawing on learning from previous meetings that have taken place across the continent, The Fifth Regional Meeting of the Africa Palm Oil initiative convened a series of expert-led presentations, panels, workshops and participatory group sessions to bring the focus to the practical approaches to implementing deforestation commitments. Find out more about what happened in Brazzaville in our photo story: From Principles to Practice.
<iframe height="600" src="https://Proforest.exposure.co/from-principles-to-practice/embed/cover?embed=true" style=""></iframe>
The Africa Palm Oil Initiative is coordinated by Proforest on behalf of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020, funded with UK aid from the UK government through the Partnership for Forests Programme (P4F) and with funding from the Global Environment Facility through the Good Growth Partnership, via World Wildlife Fund.