6 August 2013
High Conservation Values Workshop in Rio de Janeiro
The workshop was attended by people that apply the HCV concept, be it as a company in the forest, palm oil, or soybean sector, as a service provider in these areas, or as an NGO or certification scheme applying the concept. The workshop was attended by ecosSISTEMAS, Fibria, Funbio, FSC, HCVRN, ICV, Instituto Peabiru, Petrobras Biocombustível, Proforest, RSB/Nucleus and RTRS.
During the workshop, basic capacity-building was offered to level the knowledge of the participants and allow an exchange of experiences on the practice of HCV in other continents and in the different production sectors of Brazil.
Many challenges raised during the workshop are common amongst the different sectors and regions. Some are related to the gaps and ambiguities in the system of implementation of the HCV concept in Brazil. Others are related to the lack or inadequacy of specific tools, as well as problems related to the knowledge and training of people that implement or verify the use of the concept.
Participants recommended the creation of an intersectoral working group to deal with these issues in a joint manner and elaborate a national interpretation for HCV. To create this working group, an open meeting for capacity-building and awareness-raising on HCV will be held later this year, during which those interested can volunteer to participate in a working group for the elaboration of a national interpretation.
- Download a report on the outcomes of the workshop here or download the presentations given during the workshop below.
Day 1
- Introdução
- Introduction to the High Conservation Value Approach
- The Six High Conservation Values
- The HCV assessment process
- Key considerations during the HCV process
- FSC e Altos Valores de Conservação no Brasil
- RTRS e altos Valores de Conservação no Brasil
Day 2
- Identification of High Conservation Values 1, 2 and 3
- Identification of High Conservation Values 4, 5 and 6
- Managing and Monitoring High Conservation Values
- Assessment of HCV areas in a private forest company (Fibria)
- Mapping HCV Areas in Mato Grosso State - Brazil (ICV)
- Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa (Instituto Peabiru)
Day 3