17 January 2022
New Guidance for the Management and Monitoring of High Conservation Values in Malaysia
High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors, resource managers and auditors within agricultural and forestry commodity supply chains in Malaysia have a new guidance document to support their work to achieve and maintain sustainability certification. The Malaysian National Interpretation (MYNI) for the Management and Monitoring of HCVs can be used for a range of commodities including timber and palm oil.
The HCV approach is a tool for identifying and managing environmental and social values in forest landscapes, which can be used in any part of the world. This Malaysia-specific guidance is the result of a multi-stakeholder consultation process involving 50 different representatives from NGOs, companies, concession owners, financial institutions, certification bodies and government agencies.
A launch event was held to announce the publication of the National Interpretation, featuring members of the HCV Malaysia Steering Committee and the Technical Working Group that contributed to it, including Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA), an NGO representing indigenous peoples in the state of Sarawak. During the online event, Surin Suksuwan summed up the importance of this new publication, designed to be used alongside guidance for identifying HCVs, published in 2018. “We have the complete set of documents now that will allow you to implement the HCV process successfully, from identification to monitoring,” he said.
"Both international and local certifications have criteria that emphasise the maintenance of HCVs. This new document will provide HCV assessors, resource managers, and auditors with guidance on best practices when it comes to the management and monitoring of HCVs in Malaysia." Dr Adrian Choo, Lead for WWF-Malaysia's Sustainable Markets, which is a member of the HCV Malaysia Toolkit Steering Committee.
This new guidance adapts HCV Network's globally applicable Common Guidance for the Management and Monitoring of HCVs according to the local context in Malaysia. An example of Malaysia-specific guidance in the document is the section on how to enhance the management and monitoring of wildlife saltlicks. Saltlicks are natural sites rich with mineral deposits and are visited by wildlife, including large mammals such as elephants and tapir.
“The new National Interpretation will be a key reference document to support land managers develop and implement plans to maintain critical conservation values. The depth of stakeholder consultation and input involved in developing the National Interpretation provides a model for HCV National Interpretations in other countries and regions.’ Olivia Scholtz, Senior Project Manager, High Conservation Value Network (HCVN)
The HCV Malaysia Toolkit Steering Committee comprises the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), WWF-Malaysia, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the Malaysian Palm Oil Association and the Malaysian Timber Certification Council. Proforest is the secretariat and facilitator of the HCV Malaysia Toolkit process.
“In producing the Malaysian National Interpretation, we looked at practical approaches that are applicable within the local forestry and oil palm sectors in management and monitoring HCVs. It is essential to identify, manage and monitor all social and environmental HCVs within a landscape, to ensure positive outcomes for stakeholders, including local communities, and the natural resources they rely on.” Surin Suksuwan, Southeast Asia Regional Director, Proforest
Both documents in the HCV Malaysia Toolkit can be downloaded from the links below. They will also be available on the HCV Network website.