27 April 2020

New resources for companies to implement their responsible soy policies


New resources for companies to implement their responsible soy policies

This week new resources have been made available to soy buying companies looking to implement their responsible sourcing policies. Available on the Soy Toolkit website – www.soytoolkit.net – the set of executive summaries give a quick overview of each of the 5 elements of the responsible sourcing process:

  • assess and plan policy implementation
  • understand supply chain risks
  • engage suppliers
  • establish a purchase control system
  • monitor, verify and report

The Soy Toolkit is already being used by major soy traders, and its use has been referenced in sustainability reports by traders Cargill and Amaggi.

The Soy Toolkit is developed by Proforest on behalf of the Good Growth Partnership, thanks to financial support from the Global Environment Facility through World Wildlife Fund.