4 November 2016
Proforest staff presenting at RT14

Proforest members of staff will be speaking on issues ranging from HCV for smallholders to supplier engagement.
Pavithra Ramani, Deputy Director – Responsible Sourcing, will talk about how supplier engagement programmes can provide assurance for uncertified origins on Tuesday 8 November during the Preparatory Cluster 2, which focuses on legality and traceability.
On the same day, Mike Senior, Senior Project Manager, will discuss new tools and approaches for engaging smallholders with the HCV approach at Preparatory Cluster 5, which will consider how to improve biodiversity conservation.
Tony Hill, Director of the SHARP Partnership, will continue with the smallholder theme that evening when he presents a business case for RSS at a smallholders side event.
On Thursday, David Hoyle, Director – Conservation and Sustainable Land Use, will present the TFA 2020 Africa Palm Oil Initiative at Plenary Session 3, which is dedicated to regional perspectives.
Proforest will also have a booth in the exhibition hall. If you are attending, please visit us at stand 6.
View the full programme at the RSPO website
Follow our activities at RT by following @proforest on Twitter.