29 January 2014
Progress towards a national HCV interpretation for Brazil
The Global HCV toolkit gives an overview of the High Conservation Value concept and how different users can apply it. HCVs are, however, best identified at the national level. Many countries have already established National Interpretations of HCVs. A workshop held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2013 on practical experiences of working with HCVs identified the need for a national interpretation for Brazil.
The workshop in December was attended by over 30 people representing certification schemes, NGOs, certifying bodies, consultants, universities and other organizations from a variety of different agricultural commodity sectors, including Forestry, Oil Palm, Sugar and Soy. The discussions focused on the main challenges in using the HCV concept in Brazil, including the experiences of small producers, as well as on the creation of a working group to start the development of the national interpretation.
The main outcome was a proposal to create the Brazilian HCV Working Group, with a wider Advisory Group, composed of an array of stakeholders working with HCVs, and an executive group of 7 representatives, to develop a proposal for the process of national Interpretation, based broadly on the discussions held at this event.
Introduction to High Conservation Values
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