20 May 2022
Supporting Cocoa Co-operatives in Peru

As part of our Production Landscape Programme, supported by IKI (the International Climate Initiative), Proforest visited ACOPAGRO Cooperative (https://acopagro.com.pe/) in Peru this week. This was part of a traceability pilot we have been running since 2021 in the Juanjui area, in the San Martin region in Eastern Peru.
Peru is the world’s 9th largest cocoa producer, and the largest organic cocoa producer, exporting 60-70% of product. More than 2,000 associates export organic cocoa to Europe through a co-operative.
Proforest's work aligns with the government's Cocoa National Plan, which aims to increase exports, including a designation of origin certification, and also to expand the national market. Proforest is using our Sustainability Engagement Platform to work with producers to improve their reporting processes and support efforts to achieve accreditation. Proforest will be reporting back to ACOPAGRO personnel, sharing information on environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG) and the adapted data collection tool used in the field.
Read more about the work Proforest is doing under the IKI programme: Linking 'no-deforestation' supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives
Launched in 2008 IKI is now under the leadership of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, of the German Federal Government.