8 April 2024
Transamazonica Connections landscape initiative completes Phase I

Trasamazonica Connections is a collaboration project formed to address the growing demand and urgency to promote more sustainable production chains in the Brazilian Amazon, specifically along the Transamazon Highway. It aims to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but above all to promote integrated development and the conservation of the forest's socio-biodiversity. The initiative was designed to meet the need for positive interventions in cattle landscapes with actors from the first links in the production chain, a point at which companies at the end of the chain normally have less leverage through other intervention mechanisms.
To present the results of phase I, the consortium - Solidaridad, Imaflora and Proforest, supported by Neste, published the report “Building Common Goals for the Livestock Sector in Novo Repartimento (PA)”. The executive summary of the report was filed with relevant municipal government departments, and the consortium has called for their commitment to the objectives agreed upon by the Sustainable Livestock Forum.
The 11 priority common objectives identified are outlined in the report (page 27), but in Phase II, the focus will be on:
- Promoting environmental regularisation;
- Implementing training programmes;
- Creating financial and non-financial incentives for production diversification.