Ángela Ricaurte
Human Rights and Livelihoods Specialist
She is a socio-environmental specialist with experience in the application of different international organizations safeguard policies, including Environmental and Social Standards of the World Bank and UNDP. She has been a facilitator of participatory strategic planning processes for REDD+ mechanisms (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) at the subnational level in México. As well as supporting interinstitutional governance process, using environmental and social risk analysis, risk mitigation measures and capacity building for sustainable practices. Angela has ten years of experience in project management about sustainable development, sustainable productive landscapes and adaptation to climate change.
Over the years, she has worked whit productive systems of cocoa, coffee, palm oil and sugar cane in México, Colombia, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Belice.
In her spare time, Angela enjoys hiking, cooking, dancing and exploring the sea.
Categories: Technical, Latin America