18 agosto 2023

San Pedro stakeholders validate the sustainable landscape management and investment plan, Côte d’Ivoire


San Pedro stakeholders validate the sustainable landscape management and investment plan, Côte d’Ivoire

The sustainable management and investment plan for the San Pedro landscape has been validated at a workshop in July 2023, organised by Proforest and the landscape coalition. The workshop was chaired by the Regional Prefect of the San Pedro region, represented by the Grabo Sub-Prefect, and was attended by 76 people (70% men, 30% women) from the public sector (local authorities and government structures and organisations), the private sector (cocoa, timber, rubber and palm oil companies) and civil society (local and international NGOs, village chiefs, women’s and youth associations). The aim of the workshop was to finalise the content of the sustainable landscape management and investment plan for San Pedro, and to obtain the approval of stakeholders. 
Resolutions adopted: 

  • The sustainable management and investment plan for the San Pedro landscape was validated and adopted.
  • The expected outcomes and performance monitoring indicators were approved as presented and discussed. 
  • The estimated costs for each activity were accepted and will serve as a basis for budgeting and fundraising. 
  • Stakeholders commit to actively collaborate in the implementation of the San Pedro sustainable landscape management and investment plan and to contribute to its success. 

The next steps will involve engagement with the private sector to sign a letter of intent to implement the plans, and to raise funds for implementing activities on the ground. The workshop was covered by the Business 24 news channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh-vjjdFQP0 

Proforest’s Production Landscape Programme encompasses several initiatives and programmes including the 'Linking ‘no deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives' programme, supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI).