Smita Jairam Viswanath

Smita Jairam Viswanath

Deputy Director (Responsible Sourcing)

Smita holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, specialising in Water Resources, from the University of Melbourne. She is experienced in working with oil palm growers, from smallholders to independent mills and estates, focusing on environmentally sustainable practices with oil palm growers. She previously worked for a Malaysian social enterprise executing activities such as conducting gap assessments to standards such as RSPO, MSPO and ISCC, supporting SEIA-HCV assessments and running management workshops with growers. She currently works on responsible sourcing projects mainly in oil palm, as well as supporting with work on other agricultural commodities. Her scope of work includes development of tools, supply chain engagement, assessments and workshops.

She is based in Kuala Lumpur and speaks English, Bahasa Malaysia and Tamil.

Categorias: Technical, Sudeste da Ásia