RAPPORT: Journées de sensibilisation et de brainstorming sur le Règlement Déforestation de l’Union Européenne (RDUE) au Gabon
4 junho 2024Les « Journées de sensibilisation et de brainstorming sur le Règlement Déforestation de l’Union Européenne (RDUE) au Gabon » se sont déroulées en ligne (webinaire) et en présentiel au WWF Gabon du 23 au 24 mai 2024. Elles ont été...
- French (779 kB)
Categorias: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative África Cacau Produtos florestais Óleo de palma Borracha Madeira
Beyond Supply Chains: Pulp, Paper and Packaging Companies Take Landscape Action for Sustainability at Scale
5 maio 2023This report explores why and how downstream and midstream companies are engaging at landscape scale to achieve sustainable land use in pulp, paper and packaging (PPP) production areas. Companies engage at this scale to meet their own sustainability commitments and improve relationships with local communities and stakeholders.
- English (4.88 MB)
Categorias: Apoio a empresas Iniciativas em escala de paisagem Produtos florestais
The Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative
3 abril 2023Ten West and Central African countries commit to sustainable commodity production, with new Declaration signed at CoP27, November 9, 2022
Categorias: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative África Óleo de palma Produtos florestais Borracha Cacau Madeira