7 novembro 2024

Core Criteria for Mature Landscape Initiatives

publication cover core criteria for mature landscape initiatives

With increasing interest and engagement in landscape initiatives, it is critical that all stakeholders have a simple and consistent understanding of the core elements of a mature landscape initiative.

Many of the leading landscape practitioner organisations have come together to agree on those core criteria and accompanying sub-criteria, which are presented here.
The criteria present both a roadmap for new and existing landscape initiatives to improve their effectiveness and a means by which to assess the maturity of these initiatives for different purposes or use cases, which are also described below. While landscape initiatives will take different pathways to build out these criteria and sub-criteria over time, mature initiatives that have these criteria in place are likely to be more resilient, more attractive to investors, and better placed to deliver more durable sustainability impacts in the landscape.

Categoria: Iniciativas em escala de paisagem