Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 6: Accelerating action on deforestation commitments in Africa
1 May 2018This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil
Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 5: Driving forward deforestation-free palm oil production in Africa
1 September 2017This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative People Nature Climate Africa Palm oil
APOI: note d'information 5: De l’engagement à l’action : mise en œuvre de la Déclaration de Marrakech
1 September 2017Ce document fait partie d’une série sur le progrès de l’initiative.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative People Nature Africa Palm oil
Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 4: Progress towards responsible palm oil production in West and Central Africa
1 June 2016This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil
Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 3: Action Plan on Oil Palm Development in Africa
1 May 2015This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Nature Africa Palm oil
Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 2: Action Plan on Oil Palm Development in Africa
1 October 2014This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil
Africa Palm Oil Initiative briefing 1: Action Plan on Oil Palm Development in Africa
1 July 2014This is part of a series of seven briefing notes documenting the progress of the initiative from its inception in 2014 onwards.
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil