
Engaging with landscape initiatives: A practical guide for supply chain companies in Indonesia

Engaging with landscape initiatives: A practical guide for supply chain companies in Indonesia

1 December 2020

This is part of a series of documents about engaging with landscape initiatives.

Categories: Landscapes Southeast Asia

Africa Palm Oil Initiative: highlights 2019-2020

Africa Palm Oil Initiative: highlights 2019-2020

18 November 2020

This report details highlights from APOI during its implementation phase during the year 2019-2020. 

Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil

Guidance for addressing land rights grievances

Guidance for addressing land rights grievances

17 October 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance for forced labour grievances

Guidance for forced labour grievances

29 September 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance for child labour grievances

Guidance for child labour grievances

29 September 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance for minimum wage grievances

Guidance for minimum wage grievances

29 September 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance for deforestation grievances

Guidance for deforestation grievances

29 September 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance for peat grievances

Guidance for peat grievances

29 September 2020

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil

Guidance on grievance management: an introduction to the series

Guidance on grievance management: an introduction to the series

28 September 2020

An introduction to a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People

Siak Pelalawan Landscape Programme: How Companies Collaborate and Engage

Siak Pelalawan Landscape Programme: How Companies Collaborate and Engage

1 July 2020

This document is part of a series of Production Landscape Briefings, giving an introduction to working at a landscape scale.

Categories: Production Landscape Programmes Southeast Asia Palm oil

05 Worker Voice Technologies

05 Worker Voice Technologies

1 July 2020

This document discusses worker voice technologies, a term referring to digital worker reporting platforms designed to obtain information directly from workers in order to generate data on working conditions.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People

Collaboration for sustainable production landscapes

Collaboration for sustainable production landscapes

1 June 2020

The case studies in this impact report show how our guidance for engaging with landscape initiatives can be adapted to local contexts.

Categories: Production Landscape Programmes Africa Southeast Asia