Converged HREDD Assessment Tool and Guidance
18 November 2024Members of AIM-Progress and the Consumer Goods Forum Human Rights Coalition have developed this tool in collaboration with the Fair Labor Association and Proforest to reduce the proliferation of new assessments and the exacerbation of supplier assessment fatigue.
Categories: People Nature Climate Developing knowledge & capacity building
Consideraciones técnicas para la consolidación de un modelo de ganadería tropical sostenible en Perú
30 November 2023Este informe ha sido posible gracias al apoyo técnico de Proforest, organismo orientado a la producción y abastecimiento responsable de productos agrícolas y forestales.
- Spanish (1.83 MB)
Categories: People Nature Developing knowledge & capacity building Latin America Cattle
Gender Equality Guidance Paper: Projects to Implement Responsible Production
1 May 2020This document is part of a series of four gender equality guidance papers.
Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Developing knowledge & capacity building
Gender assessment of the policy environment in relation to the cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber value chains in Liberia
20 February 2020Gender assessment of the policy environment in relation to the cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber value chains in Liberia
- genderassessment_liberia.pdf (528 kB)
Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Developing knowledge & capacity building Africa Cocoa Palm oil Rubber Timber
Practical assessment and monitoring of forest biodiversity
22 January 2018This document is part of a series of briefing notes about responsible sourcing and production.
Categories: Responsible Sourcing & Production Briefings Nature Developing knowledge & capacity building
High Conservation Value-High Carbon Stock Approach Assessment Manual
7 December 2017Prepared by Proforest and Daemeter Consulting for the HCV Resource Network Assessor Licensing Scheme, this manual is the official reference document for HCV-HCSA assessments.
Categories: People Nature Developing knowledge & capacity building
A Sourcebook for Landscape Analysis of High Conservation Value Forests
1 January 2003The concept of High Conservation Value Forests (HCVFs) originated as a means to ensure that the most important forest values were correctly managed in the context of Forest Stewardship Council certification, and hence in...
- English (2.37 MB)
Categories: People Nature Landscapes Developing knowledge & capacity building Timber