Proforest Initiative Africa 2024 Annual Report
14 January 2025This annual report highlights our progress and commitment to promoting the responsible sourcing and production of agricultural commodities in Africa. We are happy to share our contribution towards delivering positive social and...
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Production Landscape Programmes People Landscapes Africa Cocoa
RAPPORT: Journées de sensibilisation et de brainstorming sur le Règlement Déforestation de l’Union Européenne (RDUE) au Gabon
4 June 2024Les « Journées de sensibilisation et de brainstorming sur le Règlement Déforestation de l’Union Européenne (RDUE) au Gabon » se sont déroulées en ligne (webinaire) et en présentiel au WWF Gabon du 23 au 24 mai 2024. Elles ont été...
- French (779 kB)
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Cocoa Forest products Palm oil Rubber Timber
Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative: A platform for producer and consumer country partnerships
21 March 2024ASCI has great potential to help bridge perspectives between consumer and producer countries. This briefing paper extracts insights and lessons from ASCI multistakeholder dialogues, as well as a study on Producer-Consumer...
- English (314 kB)
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative People Nature Africa International
Implementation of a Regional Landscape Approach and Sustainable Management Plan: the case of the San Pedro Landscape
14 March 2024Drawing up a sustainable management and investment plan for the landscape is a complex and crucial undertaking to ensure the preservation of the environment and the socio-economic development of a given region. Drawing on the...
- English (1.04 MB)
Categories: Production Landscape Programmes People Nature Climate Landscapes Africa
Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru
15 January 2024Proforest worked to better coordinate and align private companies’ zero deforestation activities with public climate change mitigation programmes in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru.
- English (1.81 MB)
Categories: Nature Supporting companies Landscapes Africa Latin America
The Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative: lessons on the transition from the Africa Palm Oil Initiative
1 November 2023The transition of the Africa Palm Oil Initiative (APOI) into the Africa Sustainable Commodities (ASCI) Initiative, mandated by 10 African governments at COP26, provides a useful case study in scaling up a multi-stakeholder initiative.
- English (22 MB)
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa
The Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative
3 April 2023Ten West and Central African countries commit to sustainable commodity production, with new Declaration signed at CoP27, November 9, 2022
Categories: APOI / Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative Africa Palm oil Forest products Rubber Cocoa Timber
Guidance on Engagement Principles for the National Oil Palm Strategy and Action Plan of Liberia
18 January 2023Agriculture is the predominant source of livelihoods for over 70% of Liberia’s population. The government of Liberia has prioritised palm oil production as one of the most important industries for the future and there is interest from global companies who have committed to invest around USD 6 billion.
- English (871 kB)
Categories: Production Landscape Programmes Landscapes Africa Palm oil
Gender and social inclusion strategy for the Asunafo-Asutifi Production Landscape
21 December 2022The objective is to promote gender and social inclusion actions in the identified Hotspot Intervention Areas (HIAs) in the Asunafo-Asutifi landscape in the Ahafo region of Ghana. This is to ensure a gender responsive forest landscape that gives equal voice, access, participation and influence for diverse women and men, mostly in the implementation of the ongoing Ghana Cocoa Forest REDD+ Programme (GCFPR) and other future natural resources projects and programmes in the landscape.
- English (1.38 MB)
Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues Production Landscape Programmes People Nature Landscapes Africa
Review and Analysis of Key Policies and Institutional Framework Governing Deforestation and Associated Social Issues in the Tree Crop Sector of Liberia
20 December 2022The overall aim of this study was to identify existing laws, policies and strategies on the cultivation of selected tree crops (cocoa, natural rubber, palm oil and timber) linked to deforestation, child labour, forced labour, land rights, and smallholder inclusion in Liberia.
- English (1.64 MB)
Categories: Production Landscape Programmes Landscapes Africa
Gender and Social inclusion in Production Landscapes
21 November 2022A case study of the Asunafo-Asutifi Landscape in the Ahafo Region of Ghana
- English (2.02 MB)
Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Landscapes Africa
Guide pour l'engagement des entreprises prives dans la REDD+ au Cameroun
22 June 2022Depuis 2009, le Cameroun est engagé dans la REDD+. La REDD+ est un processus qui permet de valoriser le rôle joué par la forêt dans la stabilisation du climat mondial à travers le stockage des gaz à effet de serre.
- French (1.08 MB)
Categories: Supporting companies Africa