
Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

Leveraging Carbon Instruments for Financial Sustainability in a Soy Landscape Initiative

7 November 2024

Case study on leveraging carbon benefits from conservation, restoration, and regenerative agriculture to strengthen the business case for the Western Mato Grosso Sustainable Landscape Initiative in Brazil

Categories: Nature Climate Latin America

Transamazonica Connections - Building common goals for the livestock sector in Novo Repartimento (PA), Brazil

Transamazonica Connections - Building common goals for the livestock sector in Novo Repartimento (PA), Brazil

19 March 2024

The Transamazonica Connections initiative, supported by Neste, is a partnership created in March 2023 between the Fundação Solidaridad, Imaflora and Proforest.

Categories: People Nature Climate Landscapes Latin America Cattle

Elder farmer in soy field

Companies Collaborating for Sustainable Soy Landscapes: Progress and Transition Pathways

1 February 2024

How and why midstream and downstream companies have taken landscape-scale action in soy production areas

Categories: People Nature Climate Supporting companies Landscapes Latin America Soy

Opportunities for deforestation-free supply chains through producer-consumer country partnerships

Opportunities for deforestation-free supply chains through producer-consumer country partnerships

18 January 2024

The article discusses the implications of the new regulation from the European Union (EUDR) in combating deforestation in the supply chains of agricultural commodities, with a focus on soy and livestock products exported by Brazil.

Categories: Nature Latin America Cattle Soy

Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru

Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru

15 January 2024

Proforest worked to better coordinate and align private companies’ zero deforestation activities with public climate change mitigation programmes in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru.

Categories: Nature Supporting companies Landscapes Africa Latin America

Consideraciones técnicas para la consolidación de un modelo de ganadería tropical sostenible en Perú

Consideraciones técnicas para la consolidación de un modelo de ganadería tropical sostenible en Perú

30 November 2023

Este informe ha sido posible gracias al apoyo técnico de Proforest, organismo orientado a la producción y abastecimiento responsable de productos agrícolas y forestales.

Categories: People Nature Developing knowledge & capacity building Latin America Cattle

Análisis comparativo de iniciativas para la promoción de la Ganadería Sostenible

Análisis comparativo de iniciativas para la promoción de la Ganadería Sostenible

30 November 2023

Este informe ha sido posible gracias al apoyo técnico de Proforest, organismo orientado a la producción y abastecimiento responsable de productos agrícolas y forestales.

Categories: People Nature Latin America Cattle

Socio-environmental monitoring of the cattle sector in Brazil

Socio-environmental monitoring of the cattle sector in Brazil

23 June 2017

This document is part of a series of briefing notes about responsible sourcing and production.

Categories: Responsible Sourcing & Production Briefings People Nature Climate Latin America Cattle

Assessing compliance with the Forest Code: a practical guide

Assessing compliance with the Forest Code: a practical guide

16 March 2017

This guide aims to help companies to verify compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code in their supply chain. It presents accessible compliance tools that can be used without the need to involve legal or environmental specialists.

Categories: Nature Climate Latin America

Profiles of Palm Oil Company-Smallholder Working Arrangements

Profiles of Palm Oil Company-Smallholder Working Arrangements

1 July 2016

These examples, with pros and cons of each, are intended to inform decisions of palm oil companies and policy makers.

Categories: People Nature Latin America Palm oil

Legal compliance and zero deforestation initiatives Brazil

Legal compliance and zero deforestation initiatives Brazil

1 May 2015

In Brazil various initiatives are dedicated to assessing environmental and other risks associated with commodity production, while a number of other initiatives seek to mitigate those risks. These voluntary initiatives are...

Categories: Nature Latin America

Baseline studies of successful models for sustainable smallholder development

Baseline studies of successful models for sustainable smallholder development

1 October 2014

Baseline studies review of some of the models of smallholder production, ranging from independent farmers or cooperatives to large-scale schemes funded by governments or the private sector.

Categories: Africa Latin America Southeast Asia