20 February 2020

Gender assessment of the policy environment in relation to the cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber value chains in Liberia

Gender assessment of the policy environment in relation to the cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber value chains in Liberia

This report presents a gender assessment of the policy environment in relation to the cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber value chains in Liberia, with particular focus on how women’s rights, roles, opportunities and responsibilities are treated equally to men along those value chains. Cocoa, oil palm, rubber and timber are very important to the country in terms of employment and revenue generation. They also take up huge forest areas and threaten deforestation and livelihoods of local communities. Approximately 465,000 ha of land in Liberia have been granted to concessions for oil palm plantation, with an estimated 35,000 ha of oil palm worked by smallholders; and approximately 178,200 ha are allocated to natural rubber.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Developing knowledge & capacity building Africa Cocoa Palm oil Rubber Timber