17 October 2020

Guidance for addressing land rights grievances

Guidance for addressing land rights grievances

Many companies all along the palm oil supply chain have made commitments to No Exploitation as part of their responsible palm production and sourcing commitments and policies.

Under No Exploitation, land rights is a key issue as, if not done correctly, the development of oil palm can infringe on the legal and customary land rights of surrounding Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. This can cause disputes or conflicts around land with widespread effects on the livelihoods of these communities as well as the viability of oil palm production. Therefore, a key requirement for companies in meeting land rights commitments as well as respecting human rights more broadly, is adequately monitoring, remediating and resolving land rights grievances in their operations and supply chain.

This document provides practical and action-oriented guidance on how to manage and address land rights grievances in the palm oil sector. The guidance provides information about how to verify and identify causes of grievances, develop action plans for remediation and resolution, and minimise chances of future non-compliances and conflict.

Download: 06 Guidance for addressing land rights grievances

This is part of a series commissioned by Cargill and written by Proforest as part of Proforest’s work with Cargill on grievances, and how to address grievances with its suppliers. Download the others below.

Categories: Human Rights & Social Issues People Palm oil