16 March 2018
HCV and HCS in Liberia: Guidance for Producers

The High Conservation Value (HCV) and the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approaches are critical tools in the quest to avoid deforestation in agricultural commodity production. They aim to safeguard biodiversity, environmental and social values in the context of responsible commodity production. The HCV approach is used in certification processes, such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), and both tools also feature in individual companies’ sustainability commitments.
This document forms part of a series of guidance documents developed under the Africa Legality Programme that explain how legislation in selected countries in West Africa can be used by producer companies to support compliance with specific sustainability standards and buyers’ sustainability commitments. Proforest's Africa Legality Programme was supported by the UK Department for International Development's Forest Governance, Markets and Climate Programme.
Download: Legality guidance: HCV and HCS in Liberia
Download the other documents from the Africa Legality Programme series below.
- Legality guidance for International Actors [ENG] | [FRE]
- Africa Legality Programme technical report [ENG] | [FRE]
- Côte d'Ivoire legality guidance: HCV and HCS [ENG] | [FRE]
- Ghana legality guidance: HCV and HCS [ENG]
- Ghana legality guidance: RSPO, RSPO Next [ENG]
- Ghana Customary Law Review & Institutional Mapping Report [ENG]
- Ghana legality guidance: FSC [ENG]
- Liberia legality guidance: RSPO, RSPO Next [ENG]
Category: Africa