31 March 2020

Sustainable Palm Oil: Trade and key players between Indonesia and China

Sustainable Palm Oil: Trade and key players between Indonesia and China

Part 1 of this report provides a baseline mapping study of Indonesia-China sustainable palm oil linkages. The linkages are investigated from several angles, from an overview of the trade relationship between Indonesia and China to a summary of key companies importing and exporting palm oil. The purpose of the report is to provide a comprehensive but concise overview of the relationship and stakeholders involved in the Indonesia-China trade of palm oil products. The study also includes an assessment of environmental and social risk areas as well as a summary of sustainability initiatives undertaken by Indonesia’s largest plantation companies. In reviewing Chinese players in palm oil, some significant investors were identified; but the evidence points to stepwise progress, and the loss of large-scale investment ambitions. The study should serve as an important starting point for future research into more in-depth, location-specific linkages between Indonesia and China.

Part 2 of the report provides a deeper look into specific issues, including gender in palm oil, China trade issues and deals, and updates on Trase data for 2018.

Categories: People Nature Southeast Asia Palm oil