Proforest Academy: e-learning

Proforest Academy is our online learning platform where you can find a series of free introductory courses, thematic deep-dives and certified training across our work in responsible sourcing and production. You can register here to explore our current courses and keep up to date with new training resources and upcoming events.


An Introduction to Safeguarding

2 February 2023

In this mandatory introductory course to Safeguarding, you will learn about the definitions and core commitments of Safeguarding, prevention measures, and what we can do as an organisation to uphold the principles of Safeguarding....

Training Courses (Docebo)

Introduction to the HCV and HCS Approaches

12 December 2022

This course is an introductory course to the HCV and HCS approaches. It is composed of 4 lessons. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the HCV and HCS approachesUnderstand the use of both...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Protecting HCVs in Landscapes

5 December 2022

This course was jointly prepared by the High Conservation Value Network (HCVN) and Proforest. It was developed as part of the Proforest Production Landscape Program (PLP) which is supported by the International Climate Initiative...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Respecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

6 April 2022

Level: Introductory. Duration of Course: 2 hours.This course is designed for people working in the agricultural commodity sector (e.g. in companies, government agencies, NGOs or civil society organisations, etc.) who wish to gain...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Penilaian Dampak Sosial

23 June 2021

Level: Introductory. Duration of course: 3 hours. Social Impact Assessment atau Penilaian Dampak Sosial merupakan studi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah suatu proyek dapat mempengaruhi secara sosial. Beberapa sertifikasi...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Pengenalan Konsep FPIC

22 June 2021

Level: Introductory. Duration of Course: 2 hours. FPIC (Free, Prior, Informed Consent) atau lebih dikenali sebagai "Kesepakatan Bebas, Diawal dan Diinformasikan (KBDD)" adalah rangkaian hak-hak asasi manusia bagi masyarakat adat...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Introduction to the Multistakeholder Process (MSP)

14 June 2021

The Multi-Stakeholder Process (MSP) is a complex decision-making and information sharing process on a specific issue, and involves key stakeholders. The purpose of the MSP is to ensure adequate representation, relevance,...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Introduction to FPIC

26 May 2021

Level: Introductory. Duration of Course: 3 hours. The concept of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is an important element in ensuring a sustainable and responsibly sourced supply chain.FPIC is important for communities,...

Training Courses (Docebo)

Natural Resource Conflict Management

26 May 2021

Natural resource conflicts have existed due in part to the multiple and competing demands on resources. Conflicts can arise if key stakeholders such as user groups are excluded from natural resource management. This course is...

Training Courses (Docebo)