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20 results:

International Climate Initiative (IKI)

International Climate Initiative (IKI)

…The International Climate Initiative is one of the key instruments of the German Federal Government to support international climate action and biodiversity.

Linking 'no-deforestation' supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives

Linking 'no-deforestation' supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives

… Production Landscapes Programme work in Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire and Peru over the next three years, by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The International Climate Initiative of the Federal German Ministry…

Linking ‘no deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives

Linking ‘no deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives

… deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives programme, supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). 

Supporting climate change mitigation through supply chain action on deforestation: work starts in Peru

Supporting climate change mitigation through supply chain action on deforestation: work starts in Peru

…A milestone in our project funded by IKI (International Climate Initiative of the German Environment Ministry), linking no-deforestation supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives in Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire…

Côte D’Ivoire Insights: A photo story on capacity building in the landscape

Côte D’Ivoire Insights: A photo story on capacity building in the landscape

… initiative. Proforest is working in Côte D’Ivoire, one of the three country programmes funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), within the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate…

Supporting Cocoa Co-operatives in Peru

Supporting Cocoa Co-operatives in Peru

…As part of our Production Landscape Programme, supported by IKI (the International Climate Initiative), Proforest visited ACOPAGRO Cooperative ( in Peru this week.

Ghana Insights: A photo story on capacity building in a Hotspot Intervention Area

Ghana Insights: A photo story on capacity building in a Hotspot Intervention Area

… This is part of our wider Production Landscapes Programme, funded by the German government's International Climate Initiative (IKI). Capacity building and training is a key part of the process of…

Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru

Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation: Lessons from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru

… part of its Production Landscape Programme (PLP), and thanks to a three-year grant from Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI), Proforest worked to better coordinate and align private companies’…

San Pedro stakeholders validate the sustainable landscape management and investment plan, Côte d’Ivoire

San Pedro stakeholders validate the sustainable landscape management and investment plan, Côte d’Ivoire

… deforestation’ supply chains and national climate mitigation initiatives' programme, supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). 

Event: Tackling deforestation in supply chains

Event: Tackling deforestation in supply chains

… work in landscapes is funded by FCDO’s Forest Governance, Markets and Climate programme(FGMC), and the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal German Ministry for the Environment, Nature…