
17 results:

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis of Customary Practices in Oil Palm Producing Areas and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative process in Ghana

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis of Customary Practices in Oil Palm Producing Areas and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative process in Ghana

Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis of Customary Practices in Oil Palm Producing Areas and the Africa Palm Oil Initiative process in Ghana Ghana’s national platform conducted a Gender Equality and…

Gender Equality Guidance Paper: Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives

Gender Equality Guidance Paper: Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives

Gender Equality Guidance Paper: Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives This document is part of a series of four gender equality guidance papers. This guidance is intended for projects or…

Implementation of a Regional Landscape Approach and Sustainable Management Plan: the case of the San Pedro Landscape

Implementation of a Regional Landscape Approach and Sustainable Management Plan: the case of the San Pedro Landscape

Implementation of a Regional Landscape Approach and Sustainable Management Plan: the case of the San Pedro Landscape Drawing up a sustainable management and investment plan for the landscape is a…

Marrakesh +5: Five Years of Progress towards Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Africa

Marrakesh +5: Five Years of Progress towards Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Africa

Marrakesh +5: Five Years of Progress towards Sustainable Palm Oil Development in Africa Progress, lessons learned and next steps for the Africa Palm Oil Initiative (APOI), five years after the…

Moving towards sustainable production: the Africa Palm Oil Initiative impact report

Moving towards sustainable production: the Africa Palm Oil Initiative impact report

Moving towards sustainable production: the Africa Palm Oil Initiative impact report This document highlights some of the key successes of the Africa Palm Oil Initiative, and considers the next steps…

Shifting towards sustainability: How the APOI is changing palm oil production in West and Central Africa

Shifting towards sustainability: How the APOI is changing palm oil production in West and Central Africa

Shifting towards sustainability: How the APOI is changing palm oil production in West and Central Africa This publication provides a regional overview of the Africa Palm Oil Initiative's (APOI)…

The Africa Palm Oil Initiative Highlights from 2020 - 2021

The Africa Palm Oil Initiative Highlights from 2020 - 2021

The Africa Palm Oil Initiative Highlights from 2020 - 2021 Highlights of the last year: policy success, working on sustainability plans and getting back to fieldwork and training. The African Palm…