Companies have realised that many issues, even those within their own supply chains, can only be addressed effectively by working closely with other supply chain actors. This has led to an increased investment of time and resources to develop collaboration initiatives between companies to align, design and deploy actions.
Pre-competitive collaboration
Companies can see the benefits working together on pre-competitive actions has in driving positive social and environmental outcomes. So they are happy to invest time and resources into processes and actions that support collaboration through the supply chain, such as aligning on collecting and analysing information, co-investing in projects to support change, and developing shared guidance on how to respond to issues.
Our experience convening and facilitating
We play a central role in helping to convene and facilitate several of these collaborations, combining our deep understanding of how companies work with our local knowledge in each region.

Palm Oil Collaboration Group
We facilitate the Palm Oil Collaboration Group (POCG), which brings together companies from every stage of the palm oil supply chain to accelerate effective implementation of No Deforestation, No Peat Expansion, and No Exploitation (NDPE) commitments.
If you are interested in joining the POCG, in Southeast Asia or Latin America, please email

CGF Forest Positive Coalition
Proforest supports the Consumer Goods Forum’s Forest Positive Coalition, facilitating several coalition-wide action groups on supplier engagement and landscape investment, and the development of action-oriented Roadmaps for key commodities and KPIs for reporting.
Coalitions Protecting Our Forests
“Coalitions Protecting Our Forests” features company collaboration and private-public partnership within the Siak and Pelalawan districts of Riau province, Indonesia, working towards forest and people positive palm oil production. The film, part of a series produced by BBC Storyworks on behalf of The Consumer Goods Forum focuses on the CGF Forest Positive Coalition of Action, which is facilitated by Proforest.
It features the Siak Pelalawan Landscape Programme (SPLP), also facilitated by Proforest, a first investment in the Coalition’s development of a comprehensive landscape engagement strategy which it plans to finalise this year. The film features representatives from the local community and local authorities in Riau Province, a CGF Forest Positive Coalition member and the Tropical Forest Alliance.