RSPO - UNICEF Guidance on Child Rights for palm oil companies

RSPO - UNICEF Guidance on Child Rights for palm oil companies

12 August 2020

Proforest is working in partnership with The Centre for Child Rights and Business (CCR CSR)  (formerly Centre for Child Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility) to develop guidance documents for companies to improve business...

Development of HCV Malaysia Toolkit

Development of HCV Malaysia Toolkit

12 August 2020

In continuation with the Malaysian National Interpretation (MYNI) of the Common Guidance for the Identification of HCVs, Proforest has been engaged by the HCV Malaysia Toolkit Steering Committee to facilitate the development of...

Our partnership with The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Our partnership with The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

12 August 2020

Proforest has provided technical support to RSPO since its inception, including facilitation of working groups, development of technical requirements and stakeholder consultation. This includes facilitating the original process of...

Reducing Deforestation in Cocoa Production Landscapes

Reducing Deforestation in Cocoa Production Landscapes

8 July 2020

Bringing together companies to develop a deforestation-free and climate resilient cocoa production landscape

Working with smallholders for sustainable sugarcane production in the Philippines

Working with smallholders for sustainable sugarcane production in the Philippines

8 July 2020

A landscape initiative aiming to enhance farming practices and working conditions for small farmers.

The Soy Toolkit

The Soy Toolkit

6 July 2020

Proforest developed the Soy Toolkit on behalf of the Good Growth Partnership with the aim to decouple soy production and trading from deforestation

Supporting Nestlé to assess compliance on land rights commitments in sugar

Supporting Nestlé to assess compliance on land rights commitments in sugar

6 July 2020

Assessing how suppliers are respecting land rights in their operations - our ongoing work with Nestlé

Monitoring compliance on land rights through the supply chain

Monitoring compliance on land rights through the supply chain

6 July 2020

The NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework, our role in developing criteria to measure palm oil mill performance

This is an example project

This is an example project

6 July 2020

The abstract for the example project page

HCV Assessments

HCV Assessments

6 July 2020

Proforest Africa has successfully conducted over 15+ HCV assessments mainly in West and Central Africa, but also in Rwanda in the east and the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar. In 2019 this included an HCV assessment for Presco...
